Missionary Trip to Florence: First Impressions

I was a tad nervous about going back to Florence.
First impressions can be wrong.
What if the love has cooled?
What if I have a horrible time?
Thankfully, neither of those questions, those worries, had any validity.
Strawberry and Banana Gelato from Riva Reno
on Via Borgo Degli Albizi
 Our very first meeting was the TheocraticMinistrySchool/Service Meeting on Wednesday night. After the meeting we were bombarded with open arms and bright smiles many "we missed you from those we met on the last trip and "lovely to meet you" from those who have joined the congregation since the last time we were there.
And we quickly found ourselves with 'appointments' for service
(On days or at times when there is no arranged meeting for service work
we set up appointments with each other).
No matter the amount of time that has passed...
Tuscany maintains its charm and character.
The undeniable warmth of the brother hood is a worldwide mark of identity,
but somehow this trait is amplified in the Tuscan sun. It is perhaps the local affinity to care in a rather pushy but pleasant way for the needs of others.
Going back to Florence felt like coming home after a long trip.
It is the strangest feeling.

A homemade meal of spinach, tomato, mushroom
and pan bread (recipe to come)
But the similarities between Pittsburgh and Florence
may be part of what is drawing me there.
River, bridges, warm Italian people, regional eating, local specialties....

But the biggest draw is the great need there for Kingdom publishers.
Along with the ministry work, the convention in Rome greatly illustrated the potential for growth in the English field in Italy. The fields are "white for harvesting".

Here are some pictures from my weekend in Rome...

Gods Word is Truth! District Convention
Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
Rome, Italy

Etched glass doors leading into Assembly Hall auditorium
Rome, Italy

Always look up...
Bus stop near assembly hall
Rome, Italy

The Spanish Stairs
Rome, Italy

Trevi Fountain...and tourist
Rome, Italy


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