Lollihop Treats and Random Eats and Bakery Square

 But First...
  Best Bakery Party at Bakery Square

a sampling of treats
Last Saturday I went to the Best Bakery Party at Bakery Square. It was really nice!

Even tho there was only one bakery I found with treats for moi. But those treats were delicious!

I had 4 mini cupcakes from Dozens Bake Shop. They are back and better than ever I might add.
The cake was moist and flavorful in its own right, but the icing was knock your socks and boots off good.

Chocolate Buttercream on the vanilla cake and peppermint icing on the Chocolate cake.

Chocolate Cake with Peppermint Icing

If the Choc buttercream had been on the chocolate cake I probably would have gone into a coma eating 2 more of those. But its giving me some ideas....

Lollihop from Health Deals

I got my Lollihop box a few weeks ago and ate it up before the week was gone

This was an extremely tasty and awesome box!

Well not the box, but the things in the box....

- Paleonola, Chocolate Fix

   This was delicious! I need more of this grain free granola asap.

- Good Health Natural Foods (makers of my beloved Humbles)
Peanut Butter Stuffed Pretzels, Salted

    Good but too salty for my liking

- Popcorn, Indiana, Kettle Corn Original

    So tasty! Not as crunchy as fresh kettle corn, but this could definitely get me through winter

- Inka Crops, Gourmet Inka Corn Original
   Very good! Not as hard as corn nuts, but that same taste..and bigger

-Calbea Snack Salad Snapea Crisps, Original
   You know how I feel about these little bites of yumminess. I happily got several relatives and friends addicted to these things. They are only $1.30 a bag so its not an expensive addiction....

- Two Degrees, Cherry Almond Bar

    These were right up my alley! Filled with fruit and nuts and grain sweetened. My first experience with Chia Seeds. I might have to look into putting these in my date bars.

- Popcorners, Sea Salt

    These remind me of the rice cakes that were made of corn, but these are 300 times better. Just the right amount of salt and the flavor was like fresh popcorn.

Two Degrees Bar in cherry almond
in scary surroundings....

There was only one thing in it that had dairy and I passed it on to the bro,
but it was ranch and thats not up my alley anyway
(odd considering i used to practically drink it out the bottle).

I would purchase all but one of the products they put in my box and was really happy with everything.

Sadly this company is discontinuing the mail order service for a while.
But keep an eye on them.

Recent Eats
Romaine Lettuce topped with roasted zuchini and cashews with cilantro

Romaine Topped with
quinoa, cherry tomatoes, artichoke hearts, avocado and fresh cilantro

Microwave toasted almonds with honey, sea salt and cayenne


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