What to eat when you don't feel like eating...
The list is really long as I often am without an appetite.
Who knew stress (and PMS) has good side affects.
Sorry for the TMI bro!
Reaching for carby, slightly sweet things is a surefire way
to warm the insides and get some nutrients in.
But ive been known to eat a salad topped
with protein (quinoa or garbanzoes) and
some fat (olive oil and avocadoes please).
Single Girl muffin or cupcake:
mmm...muffin! |
Frozen Gluten Free Waffles with pan sauteed Cinnamon Apples:
Something about the smell of apples and cinamon
that gives me an immediate appetite boost.
waffles on a tacky plate |
On a Final note:
Smoothie is a food group....
But it contains a couple food groups making it an ideal
"meal" for one not wanting a "meal".
When properly made they contain
fruit protein veg carb
whatever else you can stuff in the blender.
On a not so final note.....
Im going to Dublin, Ireland for my next missionary trip.
I knew it would be Southern Ireland,
but this weekend received the Dublin update.
Now the fun
(i.e. looking at online circulars for Dublin grocery stores
and making pretend shoppping list)
of finding a place to live while there and
scouting plane tickets.
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