
Showing posts from January, 2014

Eating Whole Foods without Breaking the Bank

Healthful eating tips. It's not rocket science, but it helps a ton and saves the dough you need for more important things like.... Avalon's Thrift Shop $1 sale! And going on month long missionary trips in Italy. :-) Eat more whole (unprocessed) foods. Think outside of the box. Literally! If it's not in it's "whole" state then it's processed. I'm not saying you can never eat, but choose the whole (a baked potato with fixings) over the part or the processed (fries, mashed potatoes) and you will likely be getting something more nutrient dense and filling with less calories. Eating healthy does not have to break the bank account . If it's out of your budget (protein powder) then buy something else (tempeh, tofu, quinoa) or the cheaper version( dry beans vs. more expensive (albeit convenient) canned beans). If you'd like to expand your health food repertoire, don't go buy a whole bag of it. Get a small amount from the bulk foods se...