
Showing posts from September, 2013

Friday Fun + Favorite Places

Where do you go to shop (and maybe unwind or decompress)? There are a couple of places I unwind shop at. Fridays are a great day for this because... Do you really need reasons why its great to unwind on Friday?   Oh. Okay. Well one reason is many get paid on Friday. So you know exactly what you have to work with cash wise. I head out shopping with a budget in mind. Spending too much will add stress not decrease it....     Gourmet food deals abound at Home Goods. Coconut butter for $6!!!!  (regularly $12, but now that I know the Maranatha is always $6 at Walmart I want to give that brand a go) On a recent trip, I also bought some dehydrated orange slice which you eat peel and all. Yay vitamin C!   And another perk of Home Goods is that it's right near.... Be still my heart ... I'm not even going to describe the great fun of window shopping at IKEA. You can wander around and pretend you live in the display....