Under $20: Movie Night Edition
That's right! You can have a wonderful movie night at home for minimal effort and under $20. Make your own pizza, pop your own popcorn, and score a free or (extremely low cost) movie. Why pay more than you have to? You will save not only a bucket of cash, considering its about $20 per person to go out to the movies, but you will also save loads of calories as well. A personal pan cheese pizza has 813 calories. Just cheese! No toppings! Is anyone else grossed out and mad? I won't say which restaurant that is, but there is a very good reason their name rhymes with Butt. Thats where their food heads straight to... Well and your hips and waist, but you know what I mean. And 218 for a small popcorn movie theater...ick Dont do that to yourself! Make your own, so you dont have cardiac infarction halfway through the movie. So here are the details for an uber economical movie night..... The breakdown below is for a typical pizza and popcorn combo ...